Sunday, October 15, 2017

Boswell’s Life of Johnson: 190

Edited by Dan Leo, LL.D., Assistant Professor of 18th Century British Sexual Politics, Olney Community College; author of Bozzie and Dr. Sam: The Case of the Unrepentant Rake, the Olney Community College Press.

Art direction by rhoda penmarq (pencils, inks, organic plant-based oils by eddie el greco; lettering by roy dismas); a penmarq ateliers™/sternwall studios™ co-production.

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Talking of divorces, I asked if Othello's doctrine was not plausible? 

'He that is robb'd, not wanting what is stolen, 
Let him not know't, and he's not robb'd at all.' 

Dr. Johnson and Mrs. Thrale joined against this. 

JOHNSON. 'Ask any man if he'd wish not to know of such an injury.' 

BOSWELL. 'Would you tell your friend to make him unhappy?' 

JOHNSON. 'Perhaps, Sir, I should not; but that would be from prudence on my own account. A man would tell his father.' 

BOSWELL. 'Yes; because he would not have spurious children to get any share of the family inheritance.' 

MRS. THRALE. 'Or he would tell his brother.' 

BOSWELL. 'Certainly his elder brother.' 

JOHNSON. 'You would tell your friend of a woman's infamy, to prevent his marrying a whore: there is the same reason to tell him of his wife's infidelity, when he is married, to prevent the consequences of imposition. It is a breach of confidence not to tell a friend.' 

BOSWELL. 'Would you tell Mr.——?' (naming a gentleman who assuredly was not in the least danger of such a miserable disgrace, though married to a fine woman.) 

JOHNSON. 'No, Sir; because it would do no good: he is so sluggish, he'd never go to parliament and get through a divorce.'

He said of one of our friends, 'He is ruining himself without pleasure. A man who loses at play, or who runs out his fortune at court, makes his estate less, in hopes of making it bigger: (I am sure of this word, which was often used by him:) but it is a sad thing to pass through the quagmire of parsimony, to the gulph of ruin. To pass over the flowery path of extravagance is very well.'

Amongst the numerous prints pasted on the walls of the dining-room at Streatham, was Hogarth's 'Modern Midnight Conversation.' I asked him what he knew of Parson Ford, who makes a conspicuous figure in the riotous group. 

JOHNSON. 'Sir, he was my acquaintance and relation, my mother's nephew. He had purchased a living in the country, but not simoniacally. I never saw him but in the country. I have been told he was a man of great parts; very profligate, but I never heard he was impious.' 

BOSWELL. 'Was there not a story of his ghost having appeared?' 

JOHNSON. 'Sir, it was believed. A waiter at the Hummums, in which house Ford died, had been absent for some time, and returned, not knowing that Ford was dead. Going down to the cellar, according to the story, he met him; going down again he met him a second time. When he came up, he asked some of the people of the house what Ford could be doing there. They told him Ford was dead. The waiter took a fever, in which he lay for some time. When he recovered, he said he had a message to deliver to some women from Ford; but he was not to tell what, or to whom. He walked out; he was followed; but somewhere about St. Paul's they lost him. He came back, and said he had delivered the message, and the women exclaimed, "Then we are all undone!"

Dr. Pellet, who was not a credulous man, inquired into the truth of this story, and he said, the evidence was irresistible. My wife went to the Hummums; (it is a place where people get themselves cupped.) I believe she went with intention to hear about this story of Ford. At first they were unwilling to tell her; but, after they had talked to her, she came away satisfied that it was true. To be sure the man had a fever; and this vision may have been the beginning of it. But if the message to the women, and their behaviour upon it, were true as related, there was something supernatural. That rests upon his word; and there it remains.'

After Mrs . Thrale was gone to bed, Johnson and I sat up late. We resumed Sir Joshua Reynolds's argument on the preceding Sunday, that a man would be virtuous though he had no other motive than to preserve his character. 

JOHNSON. 'Sir, it is not true: for as to this world vice does not hurt a man's character.' 

BOSWELL. 'Yes, Sir, debauching a friend's wife will.' 

JOHNSON. 'No, Sir. Who thinks the worse of —— for it?' 

BOSWELL. 'Lord —— was not his friend.' 

JOHNSON. 'That is only a circumstance, Sir; a slight distinction. He could not get into the house but by Lord ——. A man is chosen Knight of the shire, not the less for having debauched ladies.' 

BOSWELL. 'What, Sir, if he debauched the ladies of gentlemen in the county, will not there be a general resentment against him?' 

JOHNSON. 'No, Sir. He will lose those particular gentlemen; but the rest will not trouble their heads about it.' (warmly.) 

BOSWELL. 'Well, Sir, I cannot think so.' 

JOHNSON. 'Nay, Sir, there is no talking with a man who will dispute what every body knows, (angrily.) Don't you know this?' 

BOSWELL. 'No, Sir; and I wish to think better of your country than you represent it. I knew in Scotland a gentleman obliged to leave it for debauching a lady; and in one of our counties an Earl's brother lost his election, because he had debauched the lady of another Earl in that county, and destroyed the peace of a noble family.'

Still he would not yield. He proceeded: 

'Will you not allow, Sir, that vice does not hurt a man's character so as to obstruct his prosperity in life, when you know that —— was loaded with wealth and honours; a man who had acquired his fortune by such crimes, that his consciousness of them impelled him to cut his own throat.' 

BOSWELL. 'You will recollect, Sir, that Dr. Robertson said, he cut his throat because he was weary of still life; little things not being sufficient to move his great mind.' 

JOHNSON, (very angry.) 'Nay, Sir, what stuff is this! You had no more this opinion after Robertson said it, than before. I know nothing more offensive than repeating what one knows to be foolish things, by way of continuing a dispute, to see what a man will answer,— to make him your butt!' (angrier still.) 

BOSWELL. 'My dear Sir, I had no such intentions as you seem to suspect; I had not indeed. Might not this nobleman have felt every thing "weary, stale, flat, and unprofitable," as Hamlet says?' 

JOHNSON. 'Nay, if you are to bring in gabble, I'll talk no more. I will not, upon my honour.'

— My readers will decide upon this dispute.

Next morning I stated to Mrs. Thrale at breakfast, before he came down, the dispute of last night as to the influence of character upon success in life. She said he was certainly wrong; and told me, that a Baronet lost an election in Wales, because he had debauched the sister of a gentleman in the county, whom he made one of his daughters invite as her companion at his seat in the country, when his lady and his other children were in London. But she would not encounter Johnson upon the subject.

I staid all this day with him at Streatham. He talked a great deal, in very good humour.

(classix comix™ is made possible in part through the generous support of the Bob’s Bowery Foundation for At-Risk Artists and Writers: “I should like to remind our viewers that Friday is Pie Day at my favorite ‘stop’ Bob’s Bowery Bar! All day from noon to 3 am, all of ‘Bob’s Mom’s’ homebaked pies are half-price, so why not drop in and order a savory steak-and-kidney pie followed up by a slice – or two – of warm apple pie served with a melted thick slice of New York cheddar cheese? Don’t like apple? Try the rutabaga! Offer good only while supplies last.”

– Horace P. Sternwall, host and narrator of Bob’s Bowery Bar Presents Philip Morris Commander’s “Blanche Weinberg: Lady Psychiatrist”, broadcast live Sundays at 8pm {EST} exclusively on the Dumont Television Network. This week’s play: The Debauchee, by Hope Pendleton Saintsbury, starring Kitty Carlisle as “Dr. Blanche”, with special guest star George Sanders as “Lord Lumley”.)


part 191

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